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Leslie RSU3LLRO 1980 ex Conrail
Conrail RSU3LLRO
Lone Ex Conrail C40-8W With Original Leslie RS3L Leads I87 or 287 In Unionville Ohio July 2016
NS 203 Led by Ex-Conrail D8-40CW #8451 (Leslie RS3L Horn)
Leslie S-3K and SK-3K combined
NS (Ex-Conrail) GP38-2 Leads Local B71 with an Amazing Leslie RS3L!
KILLER LESLIE RS5T AND NOTCH 8 SCENE!!! WW in Fairton 732/576 Combo Without Mr. P and Mr. T!!
Ex EL Eire Lackawanna Leslie SU3L #1 HSC
Leslie S5T 1956 ex C&O
Leslie SU3L
S-3L-R Bronze Tab Back
Leslie Horn on an MP15!